Interview with a Merchant Navy Chief Engineer (Marine) Altaf Shaikh regarding
sea, ships and service.
Q- What
is Marine Engineering?
Q- What are the
subjects taught in marine engineering?
Altaf- Besides
academic subjects such as Math, Physics, chemistry etc the other subjects are:
Naval Architecture, ship Construction, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration,
Boilers, Electro Technology, Fuel & Fuel Technology, Instrumentation &
Automation, Mechanics, Heat & Heat Engines, Turbines & Diesel Engines,
Fire Fighting and Safety at Sea.
Q- Why
did you select Marine Engineering as your profession?
Altaf- Number one: I
wanted to do something different from others. It was only a year passed that
Pakistan Govt. set up Marine Academy in Chittagong, East Pakistan (Now Bangladesh)
to teach and train young Pakistanis to provide marine engineers and navigators
for progressing merchant navy of the country.
Number two reason for
selecting this career was that I had an affiliation and passion for the sea and
ships. The beautiful shining colurs of ships and white uniform of ship officers
always fascinated me when we Sea scouts of our Petaro College used to visit
Manora during holidays.
Q- What
is difference between Pakistan
Navy and the Merchant Navy?
Altaf- Pakistan Navy
is a branch of our Military. They have fighting vessels equipped with torpedoes
and anti air craft guns etc. Besides exercises most of the time naval ships
remain in port to safeguard port and shores of the country. Merchant Navy deals
in promotion of economics and commerce of the country. Merchant Navy ships are
privately owned and are used for transportation of cargo and passengers from
one port to another, from one country to another country.
Q- How
one gets selected for each Navy?
Q- How
many candidates are selected each year?
Ans- Each year, the
number of selected Cadet Officers for Pakistan Navy and Merchant Navy varies.
Usually it is from 25 to 40 cadets for each branch.
Q- How
many students apply for Navy?
Altaf- The number
again varies but it is always more than 1000. The top candidates get admission
as engineering cadets or Nautical (Executive) Cadets.
Which branch is better one; Engineering or Nautical?
Altaf – No one can
say that one is better than other. Both are technical branches and both have
better future. Engineering branch deals with ship machinery while Nautical
branch deals with Navigation, Astronomy, cargo handling, ship maneuvering & management etc.
Where is Pakistan
Marine Academy
these days?
Altaf – After
separation of East Pakistan to Bangladesh ,
a new Marine Academy
was set up in Karachi .
Presently it is located in a Mauripur Area called Grex.
Q- What
degree one gets after graduation?
Altaf – During 2
years stay at Pakistan Marine Academy ,
the successfully passing out
cadets (Engineering as well as Nautical) get B.Sc (Maritime Studies) degree
from the University
of Karachi . After
graduation, nautical cadets can join ship as Deck Cadet Officer and carryout
further training there. While, engineering cadets, join ship after a year of
workshop (Shipyard) training. On board ship they remain trainee engineers for a
Q- What
are the ranks of Merchant Navy Officers?
Altaf- A marine
engineer after graduation and training of workshop and a year on board is
promoted to 5th Engineer
or 4th Engineer
depending on the size of the ship. Then with sea experience and further exams
he is promoted to 3rd Engineer,
2nd Engineer and
finally Chief Engineer. While Nautical cadets is promoted to 3rd Mate (3rd Officer) and then 2nd Mate and Chief Mate (Chief Officer)
and finally the Master of the vessel (Captain of the Ship).
Q- On
ship who is the boss; Captain or the Chief Engineer?
Altaf- Technically
Captain represents the owner of the ship and is known as the Master of the
Vessel and others are known as crew members. But Engineers have their own
respect and technical knowledge. Both Captain and Chief Engineer wear epaulette
with four strips and the salary is also almost the same.
After graduation from the Naval Academy or Marine Academy is there job
Altaf- In Pakistan
Navy there is a job confirmation and there is a permanent posting till
retirement age. After that one gets pension and other benefits also. Their
ranks are permanent and military ones such as Lieutenant, Commander, Captain,
Commodore, Admiral etc equivalent to Army ranks Captain, Major, Colonel,
Brigadier, General etc.
In Merchant Navy one
has to hunt for the job after graduation and usually one gets it after some
waiting as senior officers keep on leaving sea life for shore jobs. In Merchant
Navy one can serve national shipping company or any foreign company. 2ndly it
is not permanent job. It is usually on yearly contract or on voyage contract basis.
The other contract is continued on mutual consent.
Q- What
are the shore jobs available for Merchant Navy Officers?
Ans- After achieving higher post i.e. after sailing as
Chief Engineer or Captain on some foreign going vessel one can opt for shore
job. There are many jobs available for captains and chief engineers of the
ship. Some are: Teaching Institutions, such as Marine
Academies , Maritime University ,
Seamen Training Centre, etc. There are ship management companies in which
Captains and Chief Engineers look after the management and running of the ships
from shore. Captains can join Port management of any country as local Pilot to
guide incoming or outgoing ships in the port. Chief Engineers can join some
factory, Power Plant or some 5 Star Hotels as they have got same machineries of ships such
as boilers, pumps, Air-conditioning system, generators etc.
Q- What
is salary scale in Merchant Navy?
Ans- As there is no
pension or provident fund in Merchant Navy service and as there is no weekly
holiday at sea and one has to work round the clock so the salary scale range is
always higher in every country and one feels financially sound in this service.
Present salary scale announced by the Ministry of Ports and Shipping is as
Deck Cadet/ Trainee
Engineer Rs.47000/- per month
3rd Mate/ Fourth Engineer Rs 2 lacs to Rs 2 ½ lacs p.m
2nd Mate/ Third Engineer Rs 2 ½ lacs to Rs 3 ½ lacs p.m
Chief Officer/ 2nd Engineer Rs 4 lacs to Rs 5 lacs p.m
Captain / Chief Engineer Rs 5 ½ lacs to Rs 7 lacs p.m
The salary depends on
type of vessel and also the cargo
it is carrying. Passenger ships, Oil Tankers and Chemical Tanker ships have
higher salary than container and general cargo ships as more duty and risk is involved.
Q- What
is the website of Pakistan Marine Academy?
Q- What
about the age of candidate who applies for Marine Academy ?
Altaf- The year he
applies he should not be more than 20 years on 31st December of that year. The Application
Form can be downloaded from the above website.
Q- What
is G.P. training which takes place in Seamen’s Training Centre?
Altaf: Besides
Engineers and Navigators there are certain number of seamen who help in engine
room, on deck and in Kitchen etc to carryout different works. They are called
seamen for General Purpose (GP). According to International law they all have
to take basic training and pass certain sea courses such as Survival at Sea,
Fire Fighting, etc. These are usually short courses of 3 months which everyone
has to pass.
Q- How
about job opportunity for them?
Altaf- The job
opportunity is very little as there is a greater number of GPs on stand by list
and there is seldom requirement. The seamen’s Training Centre imparts training
only. It is not responsible for providing job. For jobs GPs have to search
through internet or by local agent of various shipping companies of the world.
Being Chief Engineer of Ship and Head of Marine Engineering Dept. What is your advice
for the youngsters who would like to join sea life?
Altaf- I think for
one who is interested to be officer of ship (Navigator / Marine Engineer),
Class X to Class XII are the most important 3 years. He should study English, Math,
Physics, Chemistry and Computer subjects thoroughly. He should maintain his
health also as only people with strong mental and physical health can survive
and face the problems and difficulties which occur at sea. One cannot run away
from studies as till one becomes Chief Engineer/ Captain of the ship he has to
pass different international exams after the completion of each period of Sea
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